What We Meant to Say

2022 Year In Review

Jake Schlueter Season 2 Episode 54

It’s getting to that time of year where everyone looks back on the past year and makes big plans for the #NewYear.  Jake and Hinds at the What We Meant to Say #podcast figured it’s time to take a look back at 2022 and talk about some of the big events each month.  Do you remember the #WinterOlympics?  We didn’t either, but we knew it happened.  How about when the #GOAT #TomBrady retired and then unretired?  We did, but we’re not sure if that was a good move.  The slap at the #AcademyAwards, yep it made the list.  #JohnnyDepp and, um, ah, his ex-wife’s trial (sorry, we had no idea who she was), yeah, why not.  #SerenaWilliams last tennis match?  The longest reigning monarch’s passing?  All of these big events plus many many more are remembered on this #epidsode.  You got something that happened in 2022?  Hit us up on our #facebook page.   

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