What We Meant to Say

Best Albums Ever (#5-#1)

Jake Schlueter Season 2 Episode 52

Jake and Hinds at the What We Meant to Say are working their way down the list of #Top20 Albums of all-time and they are both really excited for this #episode.  Jake and Hinds are music lovers and there was a lot to love in this episode.  This episode concludes the list and includes albums 1 to 5 on the top 20 albums of all-time.  As usual, it would be wrong of us to reveal the albums from #5 to #1 that were reviewed in this podcast, so we hashtagged them at the bottom.  Also, tell us what you think of our reviews of the top albums at our Facebook page. 

#TheBeatles #TheSmashingPumpkins #TheJimiHendrixExperience  

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